What is in-home grooming?

In-home grooming is done inside the comfort of your own home. I use all the same equipment you would find in a traditional salon. I will set up in your home and you can be present for the whole groom if you wish. In-home grooming removes the stress of travel, an unfamiliar environment, and stress caused by other dogs/people.

Who is it suitable for?

In-home grooming is suitable for all dogs. Puppies can start being groomed once they’ve had their vaccinations and can go outside.

My dog has a health condition, can I get them groomed?

In-home grooming is suitable for dogs with a range of health conditions, however, please check with your vet that your dog is able to tolerate the grooming process without exacerbating their health conditions. Please also make The Canine Crew aware of any health issues, no matter how minor you may think they are.

My dog doesn’t like being groomed, I can still book them in?

Here at The Canine Crew I firmly believe every dog deserves to look and feel their best. Not all dogs enjoy the grooming process and this can show in behaviour issues. I specialise in nervous dogs and those with behaviour issues. I use positive training techniques to work with your dog to reduce stress and fear. I will meet any dog with the goal of getting them groomed. However, this can take time and may require multiple sessions for your dog.

Please make The Canine Crew aware of any behaviour issues, no matter how minor you may think they are.

What are the benefits of an in-home groom?

An in-home groom has many benefits, your dog is more comfortable in their own environment, you can see exactly what goes on with their groom and be there with them if you wish, older dogs have less stress on their body with a shorter grooming experience (less travel time to go to and from the groomers), nervous dogs have less triggers in their own home environment.